So you wake up ’jejeli’ on your own deciding to have a day out to forget all
the pressure from the home front telling you to go and get married asking if something wrong with you. So you get dressed, go on outside and begin to
observe the happenings around you. First you see a happy looking young lady
with her beautiful baby and her husband carrying the bag beside her, looking
around again you notice an older couple taking a leisurely stroll around the
neighborhood. Again you see two teenagers looking so excited, the girl looking
slightly flushed and the guy trying so hard to impress her. Then you begin
thinking this outing might not be such a great idea and to top it all up you see an old
friend with her hubby in the same attire on their way to attend an event and
you smile and try so hard to look like you are happy.
so you decide let me stay indoors instead and watch a movie (to avoid anymore
drama) and you end up crying throughout the whole movie because the it ended
with the couple living happily ever after and you wish it was your story being
played over in front of you.Single
life sucks you say, how I wish I had someone in my life, a companion, someone I
can talk to freely and not hide anything from, someone who we can share the
good and the bad times with. Why does everyone seem so happy apart from me!
It’s like the whole world is ganging up against you to make you feel miserable.
Am so
Well my dear you are not alone and it is just a phase everyone (well
almost) passes through and it shall surely pass like every season in life.
is a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to harvest’.
there was a time you were in primary school and you wished you were in
secondary school then you wished you were in the university able to do anything
you want , and then you wished you had a job and making money on your own and
then…etc. Also people
in their 50’s 60s and 70s wish they were much younger and some married couples
today wished they were still single or wished they had maximized the time they
had as a single person properly.
So you see we humans are insatiable always
wanting more and needing more.
you finally get married then you will wish you had kids, and then you would
wish they were all grown up and then…the list goes on. Yes the feeling of loneliness will come and
yes the need for companionship will come and sometimes it may even overwhelm
you but just keep in mind that it is a phase and this too shall pass.
don’t put your life on hold because you are single, occupy yourself, pursue
your dreams, discover yourself, read, learn , get yourself ready and prepare because very soon you won’t have so
much time on your hands. You will have to start thinking about how to balance
work, life, family, children, spouse etc. and if you aren't careful you might get all drowned up and lose yourself in it. So
use your time wisely.
this though: ‘The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor
does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned;
but time and chance happen to them all’.
So my
dear enjoy the single life while it last because it won’t last forever!
you are still single share your thoughts with me on this topic.
jejeli - gently